Exhibitions & Media

permanent exhibition in the studio, make an appointment with me for a visit.

An overview of activities:


Archive of Eastern Swiss Art, Association, CH
Artprice by Artmarket.com, Online FR
Artsy, Online World
Flaudery’: Goat, design competition for the anniversary of AppKB, incl. auction
Auto-Show St. Gallen, exhibition at Sportgarage Leirer AG, Ferrari & Maseratti, CH
Newspaper report Herisauer Nachrichten, project idea convinces jury, CH


Artavita, Online, USA
Archive of Eastern Swiss Art, Association, CH
Artprice by Artmarket.com, Online FR
Artsy Online world
De Herisauer, Publireportage, Magazine CH
Solo exhibition ‘The Spirit of Passion’, Eastern Switzerland CH
Galerie am Markt, medical center in Heerbrugg SG, Heerbrugg CH
MADS Art Gallery & Times Squares, Expo New York, USA
Prix Zora, award ceremony of the Women’s Center of Appenzell, CH
Report in Appenzeller Magazin, CH
VivaArte.online, Gallery Kunsthaus Rapp Wil, Online Gallery CH
Newspaper report Appenzeller Tagblatt, Prix Zora Award newspaper, CH
Newspaper report Herisauer Nachrichten, Prix Zora Award newspaper, CH


Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
ART fair Innsbruck, Olympiaworld, AT
Report on interview in daily newspapers throughout, CH
Solo exhibition in the old armory, Herisau, CH
Solo exhibition, cultural center Villa Sutter, CH
Gallery Kunsthaus Rapp Wil, CH
Gallery Jonathan Schultz, CH
Interview with kath.sg – subject of the cathedral, CH
Interview by kath.ch, CH
MADS Art Gallery, Milano – Barcelona – Tenerife, ES
MADS Art Gallery, Screen @ Times Squares New York, USA
New York Art Expo Week, artists’ district Nolita New York, USA
Daily press all editions, report in ‘people’, CH
Daily press all editions, report about MADS Exhibition on Flat Screens at Times Squares
VivaArte.online, Gallery Rapp Wil, CH
Voices of Tomorrow, worldwide art guide Contemporary Art Curator, Dubai


Art Basel Miami Week, USA
Art Innsbruck 2022, Olympia World, AT
Art Award, Contemporary art curator ‘Voice of Tomorrow’
ART MUC, Art fair Munich, DE
Biennale Venezia, IT
Thomson Gallery Zug, CH
Lelie Galerij Amsterdam, NL
Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Vivaarte.online, gallery art house Rapp Wil, CH


Appenzeller Tagblatt, Newspaper Report
ART Innsbruck, Olympiaworld, AT
Art catalog, by artbox publish, CH
Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Ausstellung Hirslanden Klinik am Rosenberg
Contemporary Art Curator Magazine, Dubai
Finalist, Award Painting of the year
Heimspiel Projekt
Herisauer Nachrichten, Newspaper Report
Internationale Messe, Stein am Rhein
Network of Arts, Online
SwissArtExpo, Bhf Zürich
VivaArte.online, Galerie Rapp Wil, CH


Art catalog, by artbox publish, Eveline Göldi, CH
Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Artbox Gallery, Zürich
Artsy, artists online, worldwide
Exhibition Appenzell, CH
Finalist of the pinacothèque-award, Luxembourg, LU
Network of Arts, Library
Public regional project, 5ünfstern, CH
Saiten, Magazine Report
SwissArtExpo, Zürich, CH


Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Art Basel Miami Week, Wynwood USA
Artbox Gallery, Zürich
Artsy, artists online, worldwide
Exhibition Nothveststein, St. Gallen
Finalistin des pinacothèque-award, Luxembourg
Large solo exhibition
SwissArtExpo, Zürich
The Artbox Projekt, Zürich


Award-Winner & Exhibiton in the Historical Museum, Bern, CH
Appenzeller Tagblatt, Newspaper Report
Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Studio Doris Rentsch, St. Gallen CH
Artbook ‘Kunststücke’, collection of contemporary artists in Europe


Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Solo Exhibition, Rüti Herisau
Gallery Bucher, St. Gallen
Public regional project, Ausgleichspinsel
Studio Doris Rentsch, St. Gallen


Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Report in St. Galler Nachrichten
Studio Doris Rentsch, St. Gallen
Gallery Bucher, St. Gallen
Artbook ‘Kunststücke’, collection of contemporary artists in Europe


Archive of Eastern Swiss Art, Association Online
De Herisauer, publication report magazine 
Fine Art Gallery, solo gallery exhibition, CH Hergiswil (Nov – Dec 24)
Gallery at Market, Heerbrugg, CH Heerbrugg (Jan – June 24)
Prix Zora, award ceremony Woman Association canton of Appenzell in Gonten CH
Report and Portrait in the Appenzeller Magazine 
VivaArte.online, Gallery Rapp Wil, Gallery CH
Newspaper reports Appenzeller Tagblatt, Prix Zora Award 
Newspaper reports Herisauer Nachrichten, Prix Zora Award


Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
ART fair Innsbruck, Olympiaworld, AT
Report on interview in daily newspapers throughout, CH
Solo exhibition in the old armory, Herisau, CH
Solo exhibition, cultural center Villa Sutter, CH
Gallery Kunsthaus Rapp Wil, CH
Gallery Jonathan Schultz, CH
Interview with kath.sg – subject of the cathedral, CH
Interview by kath.ch, CH
MADS Art Gallery, Milano – Barcelona – Tenerife, ES
MADS Art Gallery, Screen @ Times Squares New York, USA
New York Art Expo Week, artists’ district Nolita New York, USA
Daily press all editions, report in ‘Leute’ (people), CH                                                                                Daily press all editions, report about MADS Exhibition at Times Squares, CH
VivaArte.online, Gallery Rapp Wil, CH
Voices of Tomorrow, worldwide art guide Contemporary Art Curator, Dubai


Art Basel Miami Week, USA
Art Innsbruck 2022, Olympia World, AT
Art Award, Contemporary art curator ‘Voice of Tomorrow’
ART MUC, Art fair Munich, DE
Biennale Venezia, IT
Thomson Gallery Zug, CH
Lelie Galerij Amsterdam, NL
Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Vivaarte.online, gallery art house Rapp Wil, CH


Appenzeller Tagblatt, Newspaper Report
ART Innsbruck, Olympiaworld, AT
Art catalog, by artbox publish, CH
Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Ausstellung Hirslanden Klinik am Rosenberg
Contemporary Art Curator Magazine, Dubai
Finalist, Award Painting of the year
Heimspiel Projekt
Herisauer Nachrichten, Newspaper Report
Internationale Messe, Stein am Rhein
Network of Arts, Online
SwissArtExpo, Bhf Zürich
VivaArte.online, Galerie Rapp Wil, CH


Art catalog, by artbox publish, Eveline Göldi, CH
Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Artbox Gallery, Zürich
Artsy, artists online, worldwide
Exhibition Appenzell, CH
Finalist of the pinacothèque-award, Luxembourg, LU
Network of Arts, Library
Public regional project, 5ünfstern, CH
Saiten, Magazine Report
SwissArtExpo, Zürich, CH


Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Art Basel Miami Week, Wynwood USA
Artbox Gallery, Zürich
Artsy, artists online, worldwide
Exhibition Nothveststein, St. Gallen
Finalistin des pinacothèque-award, Luxembourg
Large solo exhibition
SwissArtExpo, Zürich
The Artbox Projekt, Zürich


Award-Winner & Exhibiton in the Historical Museum, Bern, CH
Appenzeller Tagblatt, Newspaper Report
Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Studio Doris Rentsch, St. Gallen CH
Artbook ‘Kunststücke’, collection of contemporary artists in Europe


Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Solo Exhibition, Rüti Herisau
Gallery Bucher, St. Gallen
Public regional project, Ausgleichspinsel
Studio Doris Rentsch, St. Gallen


Archive of art from Eastern Switzerland, CH
Report in St. Galler Nachrichten
Studio Doris Rentsch, St. Gallen
Gallery Bucher, St. Gallen
Artbook ‘Kunststücke’, collection of contemporary artists in Europe


Competition with award

Prix Zora, Award of Womenscenter of the cantons of Appenzell, 2024

Art Award, ‚voice of tomorrow‘, Contemporary Art Curator Magazine, 2022

Painting of the year 2021 – award, 2021

Pinacothèque Luxembourg, Final 2019 + 2020

Historical Museum Bern, Winner 2018