
Born in 1973 and raised in Teufen AR, the artist discovered her passion for colours and materials at an early age. In the 1990s, Eveline Göldi became more self-taught and experimented, followed by various courses and workshops. After she was able to move into her own studio, more and more large-format works were added, and demand increased as a result. After various workshops and courses, including at the School of Art and Design in Zurich and the Academy of Arts in Kolbermoor (DE), she was able to move into her large studio in Herisau in 2014. The top placement and exhibition in the Historical Museum in Bern was a breakthrough. She was also honoured as ‘Voice of Tomorrow’ by the international art magazine ‘Contemporary Art Curator’. The Women’s Centre of the two cantons of Appenzell awarded her the Prix Zora in 2024. The artist can be found again and again at various exhibitions, fairs and in publications, both at home and abroad.

The works from Göldi’s studio are imposing, full of power and shine with intense color. The world, the people and especially their mind, more cheerfulness on walls. Apartments consist of her long-standing observation, mostly only white and dark tones to black. The goal of the artist is in addition to color to incorporate joy and surprise effects in her works. Profound, moving and powerful it should arrive at the viewer, briefly interpreted: Energetic from human to human.

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I am a member of various art associations, societies and organisations.